However once you are exposed to a little more of her rhetoric "I grew up in South Africa where the women see breasts as something to feed your children with, not something sexual" and this is the "only reason" she insists on continuing to breast feed her children until their milk teeth fall out! (If that does not give them nightmares I do not know what will)
It becomes all too apparent that, this is nothing more than yet another loony parent living out their fantasy existence by involving their children in an "alternative" existence. Surely a family group photo should be sufficient? Not for a lifestyle zealot, they have to humiliate their children further by being shown in the act.
It then comes as no surprise she "Home Schools" he offspring (The last thing people like this want is real life experience clouding her children's view of the regime they are forced to live under in the home) the "bitty" sketch from Little Britain would have made these poor children's lives hell on earth.
No, Ms Onions is a full blown nut and living in the UK at that (Sorry California!) unfortunately she has the right to subject her children to any indignity she chooses, if she did it to one of their friends? I wonder how the law would view her affirmation Breasts are non sexual.
Words cannot express our anger at parents who wish to legitimise their alternative life styles through the involvement of their children. They are in our opinion abusers nothing less.