Tuesday 25 September 2007

PC brigade racists after all?

At last the PC brigade have got someone they can use as an example when looking at the problems they have been creating in the UK through uncontrolled immigration for decades.

It not acceptable for the PC brigade to criticise the actions of anyone with brown or black skin, but thankfully for them, most Eastern Europeans are white skinned so no danger of being branded a racist.

These spineless goons are now only too pleased to start “talking tough” on the subject of drug dealing, organised crime, uninsured drivers, unlicenced drivers, drunk drivers, people with a lack of spoken English, Benefit Fraudsters, Illegal imigration, lack of respect for the British way of life, and whole areas of the UK becoming ghettos inhabited by Eastern Europeans (have they never been to Bradford or Brixton) this list goes on and on,

It seems strange to us that these problems have all seemingly been created by our newest group of immigrants yet we have been suffering these declining standards and problems for many more years than Eastern Europeans have had the opportunity to escape from the communist net.

But its not all bad news for the Eastern Europeans it seems a lot of them are wait for it ………………………… Muslims so as soon as the dimwit PC’ers twig to that, they won’t have to put up with being a target for much longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very true!