Wednesday 14 November 2007

Of course they have evidence of a planned attack so..........

Six years!!!!! after the rest of of the western world got a wakeup call that the west is under a serious threat from Islam in the form of the criminal attacks upon the world trade centre in New York USA.

The UK's unelected Prime Minister, has warned that terrorists could attack the UK “anywhere and from any place”, as he prepares to unveil the results of two major security reviews today.

He even now accepts, what WE have known for over thirty years, that we are at threat from certain communities in the UK.

“It is a battle we will have to fight street by street, community by community and year by year. But standing together, resolute and calm, we can win it.” ("resolute and calm" Absolute bollocks, apeasment achieved nothing in the 1930's, and will have the same effect now, we need to cut this cancer out of the UK, it is foreign to this nation, we do not want it,indeed we never did want it get rid of it)

Home Office minister Admiral Lord West has completed an inquiry into security at crowded locations across Britain. He is expected to ask sports grounds, shopping centres, cinemas, theatres and other “at risk” venues to improve security, including employing specially-trained door staff.

Of course anyone other than a politician will see the following flaws in this piece of pointless posturing:

A: Most security is contracted out to private firms, who pay the lowest wage they can legally get away with, (whilst charging the tax payer top dollar of course)

B: The people most likely to accept low paid work are the least likely to have a good traceable record (many are immigrants) and many of these are likely to be sympathetic to those wishing to kill us.

C: This is nothing more than politicians covering their own arses,they clearly have has warning of an iminenet threat, but havent got the backbone to upset the UK Muslim community at present, so they go through this bizarre we are looking after you routine!!! so when we do get blown up enmass they can say we did everything we could be expected to do in the circumstances, (In factpoliticians will do almost anything, rather than actually getting to grips with the problem at source . So where is the source of our threat? Dare we suggest the preachers of hatered, who all seem to be safely ensconsed within the Mosques and Muslim communities of the UK.

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