Sunday 16 December 2007

"Circus Labour" Adopt National Front Policy...........


Whilst we see no reason to offer those here illegaly tax payers money to go quietly, (e.g. Do not use the discredited Human Rights Act to force the UK tax payer to fund they semi permanent residence in the UK)

We do find it hysterical that "Circus Labour" the party of do gooders who's ranks bayed for the blood of the leaders of the National Front,the first political party in the UK to suggest offering cash inducements to imigrants to leave the UK, are now considering adopting their policys
Does this show how far ahead of their time the NF were, or does it prove that neither Labour or the Torys have any credibility in their claims to control access to our nation???

Meanwhile, the Home Office has defended the payment of thousands of pounds to failed asylum seekers to persuade them to return to their home countries.

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