Tuesday 14 October 2008

Labour helps bankers out but fails the truly valuable in Britain

The UK Govt has managed to find £50Billion to bail out Northern Rock and a further £37Billion for the bankers a total of £87 Billion!

Here is a very small list of the items Circus Labour apparently could NOT find the cash for:

Sticking to an agreed Police pay increase

Nurses Pay

Teachers Pay

Hospital Building Program

Refurbishing Schools

Books for Schools

Decent accommodation for our armed forces

Decent clothing for all our armed forces

The best body armour for all our armed forces

The Best armoured vehicles for our troops

Regular servicing for front line military aircraft

Free Dental Treatment for all UK Tax Payers

Free eye tests for all UK Tax Payers

Council Accommodation for those UK Born citizens who deserve it

A proper integrated Public Transport system

Regular weekly tax free rubbish collection

We think you should remind them of this when the come crawling for your votes next time.

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