Wednesday 25 March 2009

Anjem Choudary we have your marker sony

Anjem Choudary faces a number of major problems that will prevent him and his unholy rabble ever achieving their stated aim of seen the flag of allah flying over Whitehall. (Check out his bum boy trying to look intelligent in the picture!)

As with all late in life converts, Choudary has a total and unquestioning belief in the version of history taught him by those responsible for his “Brainwashing”. Their fanatical rhetoric has left him with a belief system that is based almost wholly on fictitious people events and deeds.

This works in favour of those who oppose him as he is unable to recognise the non believers strengths, his unwillingness to see Women as anything more than “A mans property” exposes a further flaw in his master plan as Females make up around 50% of the population and they will NOT be subjugated easily putting them in a tent and calling them sister will be no consolation either.

Certainly I know of NOT ONE Woman who is willing to give up their independence on the word of some Paki's imaginary friend.

But Choudary’s biggest mistake is, he forgets we don’t like Nazis in the UK (Or in Europe as a whole) and he and his posturing brainwashed cretin rabble would do well to check a real history book once in a while, to see what we did to the last “Nazi” and his friends who were going bend us all to "their" will and enslave us!

We wiped him, most of his followers and their values, off the face of the planet almost 70 years on we keep a lookout for any sight of a revival their vile Socio Political belief system and stamp on it.

So if Choudary wants to continue enjoying the freedom to follow his adopted religion I suggest he would do well to read his history the real one this time and we advise them to give up any idea of a claim on England and the rest of Britain we will not let them have it without a lot of Muslim blood shed.

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