Monday 1 June 2009

Emin "Idiot Sauvant"?

According to her "PR" material (And we quote)

"Tracy Emin is a kind of Susan Boyle of art, an "idiot savant" outsider who represents no one but herself. But that doesn't mean she isn't an interesting, even a good artist!" (We beg to differ)

This is of course only partially correct Emin IS without a doubt an "idiot savant" however her gifts lay not in Art, but in her undoubted gift as a confidence trickster.

Over the years Emin has placed before those, terrified of being ridiculed as blind or "unable to comprehend the deeper meaning of their art" by Emin and her ilk.

A shed, an unmade bed, Three neon lamps proclaiming "I Know" a list of names and various other piles of irrelevant rubbish, that could have been found and arranged by any alert three year old.

These are all presented as "Art" by Emin, however the skilled observer sees them for what they really are, a test designed by Emin to see just how far the "Gullibility" of those claiming to be "in tune with her art" can be stretched!

In short it is nothing more a Con Trick or if you prefer a Power Game of the same order as the "Kings new Clothes" the problem being public money is now being spent on exhibiting this tripe.

Everything about this aggressive trickster shouts "Go on I dare you to say its not art" those mice who inhabit the shadows of the art world will of course never utters as much a squeak against the queen of Con.

WE on the other hand make real art out of this nonsense, by "exposing its true meaning to the whole world".


Matt Marshall said...

Absolutely agree with you. I've just spent 10 minutes listening to her on Radio 4. I've never heard such a self-centred, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-pitying idiot in my life. And despite being an accomplished trickster she’s stupendously ignorant. If she really wanted to do something positive for "wimmin" she should use the money she has managed to con out of the gullible art buffoons to help the millions of "wimmin" in the world that are genuinely suffering because they have genuinely tough lives - in stark contrast to the comfortable life she has enjoyed in the UK despite all the self-pitying noises she makes claiming otherwise.

smugboard said...

Hi Matt you may also be interested in our take on another fucking fraud and pornographer masquerading as a "photographer" Nan Goldin

Posted on FRIDAY, 26 OCTOBER 2007 under the title

Nan says "It's art" so it cant possibly be porno..................................

we are preparing another piece on the fraud Emin, So you might like keep an eye on the board
All the best Smugboard