Wednesday 17 October 2007

Obesity 'not individuals' fault'

Individuals can no longer be held responsible for obesity so government must act to stop Britain "sleepwalking" into a crisis, a report has concluded.

No doubt this will vindicate the long held view, of the collosal woman I saw feeding her already overweight offspring TWO big breakfasts (with large Coke) in Mc Donalds on saturday morning.
That her child suffers from a "slow metabolism" rather than an excessive intake of food and a lack of any kind of excersise, and that the drug companies shuld be working harder on a fat pill to help people like her and her child.

I simply cannot belive that our government is issuing such misleading statements,

There are a very small number of people who suffer from genetic defects that make them gain weight, that also then precludes them from losing weight.

However there are a HUGE number of people in the UK
who eat too many calories of the wrong type (eg. the Fat's and Sugars ) these are typicaly found in junk food, supermarket pre prepared food, takeaway food (Curry Chinese Pizza), alcohol, soft drinks, Fruit Juices! fried breakfasts, white bread, the list goes on and on they then compound by doing little or no excercise.

All this stupid statement by UK GOV Inc does is reassure those indolent cretins leading this lifestyle they are doing nothing wrong. How fucking stupid can you get.

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