Tuesday 27 November 2007

Englandistan 2020,The shape of things to come

Allowing 7 year old children to name a Teddy Bear Mohammed,

A "Slur" on Islam? BOLLOCKS.

Another example of Islam totaly over reacting, and exercising its power over its followers to make "Non Believers" fear it and stifle critique? CORRECT.

Our government should be sending a message out to the religious fanatics in the Sudan, Warning them in the strongest terms as the violent retribution that “The One True Christian God” (they may just understand this kind of bonkers language!) will be forced to rain down on their religeous leaders HQ, from jet fighters and bombers, if one hair on this misguided woman’s head is harmed in the name of Islam.

A BRITISH teacher is facing 40 lashes in Sudan – for letting her pupils name a teddy bear Mohammed.

Gillian Gibbons, a 54-year-old described as “timid and polite,” has been arrested and accused of blasphemy against Islam’s prophet.

The teacher, from Liverpool, let her class of seven-year-olds choose the teddy’s name as part of a project at Unity High School in Sudan’s capital Khartoum.

Presumably the wise men of the mosque in the Sudan dictate that the 7 year old children involved in this serious heracy are to have, their eyes plucked out, their genitals mutilated, and their torsos burned at the stake as an example to other transgressors.

This is another example of the kind of poison and madness that is being brought into England every time a plane lands from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and all points East, please vote accordingly in future!

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