Monday 14 April 2008

Jamie Oliver caused the food industry problems? Nah they did it themselves

How amusing it was to read comments made by Melanie Swanwick who is responsible for providing school meals to 400 schools in Staffordshire bleating on about "how difficult Jamie Oliver has made it for school dinners suppliers to make a profit"

THAT my love is not the point! The point of Jamie Oliver's quite brilliant campaign was to stop greedy food suppliers from turning our young people into lethargic lard buckets, it is the food industry that has caused the problem NOT Jamie Oliver.

In the school dinners industry's collective rush, to under bid each other to get your hands on the (providing you are prepared to feed young people unsuitable foods) oh so lucrative school dinners contracts, you drove standards to such low levels that some one had to step in and stop you creating a complete generation of morbidly obese school leavers, and now the industry is crying about how you are now being forced to provide proper food (Which you replaced with this shit when you undercut the very efficient and nutritionally balanced schools kitchens system you replaced) are crying about it! TOUGH TITTY that is what your own greed has delivered.

If the school dinners industry where honest you would say the following.

"If you want us to be cheaper than the school cooks we replaced. Yet provide food of the same or better quality, we cannot do it and make a profit!"

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