Monday 15 September 2008

Circus Labour capitulates to the bullys of Islam AGAIN

We knew they would do this, so a big thank you to EVERYONE who voted Labour, and in doing so finally voted away this countries right to self determination (To the EU) and the dismantling of a justice system that was once the envy of the free world (The recognition of Sharia Law in the UK)

we warned against this in our posts on Monday, 21 January 2008
'We want to offer sharia law to Britain' and on numerous occasions since.

Our position has NOT changed,
Great Britain has a legal system that applies equally to all those who live in the UK, if certain sections do not find this to their liking they MUST move to a country that offers them a system, of justice they are happy to live under and abide by.

The UK does not need Sharia Law, we do not want Sharia Law and mark these words this is the first step to the Islamification of the once great United Kingdom, now a third world shit hole already world renown as a haven for extreme Islamic feeling and haven for Islamic terrorists.

There is now to make an omlette without breaking eggs, ISLAM need to outlawed as as proscribed system in the UK and fuck world opinion.

The pictures above are an warning of what faces us in the UK in the very near future, only the words on the placards will read kill all Christians Jew and non believers who do not convert to the one true faith, and the reality is the Islamic religious Police will be rounding up those who attend churches and Synagogues in the UK.

We shall be keeping a watching brief in the meantime here is the unbelievable statement by the traitors in the Palace of Westminster.

ISLAMIC law has been ushered into Britain by the back door.

Ministers have quietly given Sharia courts power to rule on Muslim civil cases.

These range from divorce and financial disputes to domestic violence. But furious Tories said the step “pandered to Islamic extremists”. MP Philip Davies said: “There can be only one legal system — British law. This will lead to a segregated society.”

Powers of Sharia judges have been sanctioned at five courts in London, Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester and Nuneaton, Warwicks.

Two more are planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh. If both parties in a dispute agree to abide by their rulings, they are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system.

Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, whose Muslim Arbitration Tribunal runs the courts, used a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996. It allows Sharia hearings to be classed as ‘arbitration tribunals’.

But Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said: “If these tribunals are passing binding decisions I would consider such action unlawful.” (Dont speak DO and show us you are the party of the moment, your moment is come.)

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