Saturday 20 September 2008

Great Sentiment but a total waste of time and effort , all it will achieve is

Giving the politico's an excuse to come up with yet another "Politically Correct" but doomed to failure softly softly initiative.

Given the fact most of this crime is black on black, it seems the old Police SUS laws were rather effective and bang on the right track in the first place! but the blacks did not like being singled out, and we ask how stupid can niggers get? well here is your answer 110 deaths in 2008 so far and counting!!!!

Our way to stop this is simple and effective,

1. BRING BACK the SUS powers the Police had taken from them by the bleeding heart Liberals and black community activists / apologists.

2. Give the carrying of ANY offensive weapon a mandatory minimum 10 year jail sentence with NO prospect of early release.

3. Stop accepting the "Its is our culture" argument from those communities that seem to think it is OK for males to father children with multiple mothers and then leave US to pick up the bill. Absent Fathers stay and pay or they go inside.

4. Ban all music that promotes violence, and damn the right of the performer to "express" themselves.

5. Ban the sale of "hoodie" clothing and make it an offense to have your face covered in a public place.

These simple and democratic steps WILL stop this foreign blight that is ruining out nation and improve the safety for the law abiding majority.

And as for the minorities that want to protest against these common sense rules? Fuck them lock them up as well .

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