Tuesday 5 May 2009

Make an example of the criminal, Let Laos shoot her

Yet again we have a perfect example of how the Foreign, Feckless, Feral, Failed and criminal can click their fingers and tax payer’s money will be showered upon them by Gormless Browns Liebour party.

Ms Orobator is a drug smuggler and former illegal immigrant to the UK! who played the odds but got caught with 1.5 pounds of heroine, a criminal who listened to the prison myth that “They will not shoot a pregnant woman” so she allowed herself to be impregnated by gods knows what!

The result? no doubt another bastard, that once the Liebour party have got her back to the UK WE the British tax payer will have the pleasure of supporting through our taxes! (still what is one more Foreign, Feral Half breed in the overall tax bill)

Yet now she has now found out “They DO shoot pregnant drug smugglers in Laos (In our opinion a forward thinking nation in the area of drugs) and is shrieking her fucking head off about her RIGHT to a lawyer and UK government intervention!!! All of which is to be funded by Joe Soap the British tax payer of course!

IF anyone has seen the amount of misery just one heroine addict can bring to an area a mile square you will see the sense in allowing the govt in Laos to shoot this waste of skin, and prevent the UK tax payer from further expense.

Orobator’s mother, Jane Orobator, told reporters she found out in January that her daughter was pregnant, and was surprised to find out that her daughter had travelled to Laos and was involved in drug trafficking.

“I don’t know what she was doing in Laos, the last time she spoke with me she said she was in London and would come to see us in Dublin before returning to the U.K in July.”

Samantha was born in Nigeria and moved to London with her family when she was eight. He mother now lives in Dubai (And there aint ANY cheap housing in Dubai so let her family shell out on a lawyer for the criminal bitch)

1 comment:

Brian Myers said...

Why waste a buillet just feed her the 1.5k of H that should do the job and at no extra expence plus it can't get back on the streets afterwards