Friday 8 February 2008

Oi, Cock in a Frock! Shut up......... NOW

Well I thought I had heard it all, but the hairy hippie in charge of the Church of England has really gone bonkers this time.

The C of E churches in the UK are empty and its no wonder with a head of sales that is more interested in promoting the cause of his competitors I do so hope his MD kicks him out on his lazy stupid arse.

His idea basically revolves around the fact that the Muslim community in the UK who are not noted for their desire to integrate and adopt a western way of life. Will integrate better if the UK recognises sharia law as an alternative system for those who have decided the existing UK justice system it’s not what they want! What a load of Bollocks these militant fickers just want an Islamic State in the UK and getting a legal system in place is the first step.

Well tough titty the UK already has a justice system developed over many hundreds of years that suits the needs of our way of life, and we see no reason or need to change!

The Facts:

Everyone in the UK is subject to UK law:

Everyone who holds a British passport is a “British Subject” and is subject to the laws and conventions on the United Kingdom, regardless of Colour Creed or Religion. The Muslims may not like it BUT that’s the way it is. They have no right to, nor do they deserve special treatment, they just need to shut up and subject themselves to our way of life and legal system.

But the UK is a democracy, and if Muslims feel that they simply cannot accept the rule of law in the UK, they are perfectly entitled to seek residence in a country that offers them a lifestyle and legal system they find acceptable.

Sudia Arabia seems like a good place to us, BUT it will not stand for the kind of militant behaviour in which British Muslims seem to think they have a right to indulge themselves in the UK.

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