Monday 8 June 2009

Not if.....Only when

The UK's unelected Scott's Prime minister is not so much a dead man walking, that would be understandable given his Liebour party's total collapse in the European and County Council Elctions last week.

No Gordon Brown can best be described as a deluded man driving up the M1 the wrong way, swerving this way and that, seeing the warnings others are giving him, yet determined that his direction is correct and ignoring everyone's pleadings to stop.

In the meantime we the electorate have to stand by and watch this disaster unfold before our very eyes, we can all see the final impact coming but are powerless to force this blind fool and his co drivers to take avoiding action to save our nation further damage. Browns failure IS assured only the timing is in question.

Yet Brown does have one last vestige of hope to cling too, Lord Falconer and Mandelson both thought they could advance themselves through the dome and both FAILED and they both want him out!

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